Why You Should Supplement with a Vegetarian Diet?
Category: Healthy Choices
Plant-based nutrition has a multitude of health benefits. Any movement toward whole food, plant-based eating can greatly improve your health and potentially lower the risk of disease. However, it can be difficult, […]
Is Soy Safe? – Part 1 of 2
Category: Healthy Choices
Have you heard the warnings: “Soy may increase the risk of breast cancer!” Or “Women with breast cancer shouldn’t use soy!” Or one of the craziest myths, “Men will get […]
The Many Benefits of Elderberry!
Category: Healthy Choices
You’ve probably seen Elderberry products on shelves – from cough syrup to lozenges, gummies to juices and tea, alongside other popular cold and flu herbal remedies. But what makes Elderberry such […]
The Berry Grape Muscadine has Very Great Health Benefits
Category: Healthy Choices
The M.D.News reports that Muscadine berries are “…are among the richest sources of antioxidants found in nature.” It goes on to say that Muscadine grapes “…are a leading food source […]
Life is Short – Keep Your Telomeres Long!
Category: Healthy Choices
What exactly are telomeres? Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, who won the Nobel Prize in medicine for her work with telomeres and telomerase says, in an interview with The Guardian, that if you […]
Who You Gonna Call? (when looking for a high quality dietary supplement?)
Category: Healthy Choices
In precious posts I talked about all the many things you need to look for in high-quality dietary supplents. Are there really any companies that use gold standard research, guarantee […]
What to Look for in a High-Quality Dietary Supplement – Part 3 of 3
Category: Healthy Choices
In my first two posts I’ve highlighted the importance of ensuring that your supplements dissolve at the right time and in the right place, absorb into your bloodstream, have balance […]
What to Look for in a High-Quality Dietary Supplement – Part 2 of 3
Category: Healthy Choices
In my last post, I touched on the importance of supplements: 1) dissolving at the right time and in the right place, 2) being absorbed into your bloodstream, 3) having […]